Friday, May 23, 2014


Daily Reflections from Scripture:

Old Testament: I Kings 18-19

It must have been a Monday. Elijah found himself in the valley after a mountain-top experience. It was definitely "the day after". Did you notice how God cared for Elijah in this situation? He gave him:
  1. sleep (I Ki. 19:5)
  2. food (I Ki. 19:5-6a = the first angle food cake)
  3. more sleep (I Ki. 19:6b)
  4. more food (I Ki. 19:7)
  5. even more sleep (I Ki. 19:9)
Sometimes, being physical beings, our problems can be fixed by very physical solutions. It appears that Elijah was very close to physical burn-out. But there's more. He was in trouble because he was also:
  1. afraid (I Ki. 19:3)
  2. depressed to the point of death (I Ki. 19:4a)
  3. comparing himself to others (I Ki. 19:4b)
  4. feeling abandoned and all alone (I Ki. 19:10)
  5. even after reflection, still feeling abandoned and all alone (I Ki. 19:14)
And now, look at what God does for Elijah. He:
  1. speaks to him (I Ki. 19:9 = a rhetorical question much like Gen. 3:9)
  2. listens to him blubber (I Ki. 19: 10)
  3. demonstrates to him His very presence (I Ki. 19:11-12)
  4. continues to ask questions to make him think more clearly (I Ki. 19:13b)
  5. re-commissions him with a clear vision for future ministry (I Ki. 19:15-17)
  6. assures him that he's not alone (I Ki. 19:18 = a gentle correction to Elijah's blubbering!)
  7. gives him a project - a new disciple to pour himself into (I Ki. 19:19-21)
It reminds us of a grand old hymn... "It's just like Jesus to roll the clouds's just like His great love."

New Testament: I Corinthians 10

Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (I Cor. 10:31)

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Col. 3:17)

If anyone serves, he should do it with all the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. (I Pet. 4:11)

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.... (Eccl. 9:10)

A case can be made for giving 100%. True enough, we need to live with margins. When it comes to emotional balance, financial balance, physical balance, or several other areas of our lives, we’ve proven again and again that you can’t run on empty. Keeping something in reserve helps absorb the extras and the unexpected things that come up and can so easily sap our resources. Like the proverbial camel, we find ourselves unable to bear the last straw. Many of us are running on fumes and the engine is sputtering. Power is lost and it doesn’t look like we’ll make it to the top of the next hill.

And yet the Bible is clear. We’re to give of our best to the Master. Give 100%. Don’t hold back in your service to Him.

How can we balance these two truths? The answer lies in our daily relationship with Him. If we maintain that daily connection - moment-by-moment even - He becomes our reserve. Who are we to determine how much is too much when it comes to serving the Lord? Is there such a thing? Yet, when we cast ourselves wholly upon Him, He sustains us and becomes our all-in-all. His strength is sufficient for our every need.

We mutter and sputter,
We fume and we spurt;
We mumble and grumble,
Our feelings get hurt.
We can’t understand things,
Our vision grows dim,
When all that we need
Is a moment with Him!

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