Sunday, July 6, 2014


Daily Reflections from Scripture:

Old Testament: II Chronicles 33-34

II Chronicles 33:10 - The Lord spoke...but they paid no attention.

How can that be? God revealed Himself and actually communicated to them but they wouldn't listen. They refused to hear what he had to say? How could they? We don't have to look very far to see the same thing today. All around us we see people who go on their merry way without a single thought about God or His righteous demands upon their very lives. Even in our churches, pews are filled with people who don't consciously and faithfully seek the Lord in their daily lives. Judging by the way they live you sometimes wonder why they even come to church at all.

But I said we don't have to look very far. In fact, we often don't have to look beyond our own heart. How many times do we go on our own merry way without examining our soul in the light of Scripture? How often do we launch into a day without listening for God's voice on the pages of the Bible? How often do we make decisions, both large and small, without considering what He has spoken on that matter in His written word? He spoke but we paid no attention.

P.S. Take a look at how low Manasseh got before he humbled himself and then look at what a most gracious God did for him (34:10-13).
II Chronicles 34:27 - Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before God when you heard what he spoke....

Manasseh got a part of what he could have had because he eventually did humble himself before the Lord. But what a contrast between Josiah and Manasseh! In fact, Josiah stands out by comparison with all the other kings of Judah or Israel. "In the eighth year of his reign, while he was still young [he was only 16 years old at this point], he began to seek the God of his father David" (34:3). And for the rest of his life - there is no record of stumbling or of his pride causing him to sin like all the others - he enjoyed the blessing of God. Not only that..."He had everyone...pledge themselves to it...He had all who were present in Israel serve the Lord their God. As long as he lived, they did not fail to follow the Lord...." (34:32-33).

P.S. Where do you stand on this scale? Are you daily seeking out the Lord's will and then doing it? Are you leading others to do the same?

New Testament: I Thessalonians 5

Paul was on a roll! In his “Final Instructions” at the end of chapter five it almost looks like he’s got a long list remaining but is running out of time to get it all written down. In rapid-fire succession he gives a series of parting instructions (I Thess. 5:12-22):
  • “respect those who work hard among you” - The organization of church leadership was still at a very primitive stage at this point but Paul leaves clear instructions here.
  • “live in peace with each other” - Harmony in the body is essential - here it is in the context of leaders and those under them.
  • “warn those who are idle” - The imminency of the second coming might seem to encourage slackness, but we’re told to occupy until Christ comes - to keep our lamps trimmed and burning bright.
  • “encourage the timid” - A nudge in the right direction can be so helpful if someone is afraid to step out. Give it!
  • “help the weak” - Others may need a boost instead of a nudge. Give them resources and encouragement to do the job they can.
  • “be patient with everyone” - It’s one thing to give nudges and boosts, but don’t let it come to push and shove. Be gentle.
  • “[don’t] pay back wrong for wrong” - Retaliation is not Christ’s way; “when he was reviled, he reviled not again” (I Pet. 2:23).
  • “be kind to each other” - It’s more than just “don’t be nasty”. Turn it around to positive effort. Make kindness a constant pursuit.
  • “be joyful always” - And while you’re at it, cultivate joy. Our joy comes from Christ, from deep within, not from circumstances.
  • “pray continually” - The secret is in continual communion with God. This comes through talking to Him at all times.
  • “give thanks in all circumstances” - A thankful spirit is the natural outflow of all the above. Which comes first? Right living or the thankful spirit?
  • “do not put out the Spirit’s fire” - Grieving the Spirit leads to quenching the Spirit. Do you really want to do it alone?
  • “do not treat prophecies with contempt” - They were still being given in the 1st century - now it applies to what’s written down in God’s Word. Don’t neglect your Bible.
  • “test everything” - Don’t just swallow every interpretation that comes along. Put it to the test of Scripture.
  • “hold on to the good” - Throw out what doesn’t match up. Hang on to what does. Build your life on it.
  • “avoid every kind of evil” - Whether bad teaching, bad thinking, or bad example - steer clear. You have a better Pattern to follow.
Don’t you wish every church and individual could get a letter like that? (They have!)

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