Saturday, April 12, 2014


Daily Reflections from Scripture:

Old Testament: Judges 12-14

Samson’s mommy and daddy did a lot of things right but they also made some dreadful mistakes. Here are twelve principles for child-rearing taken from their example, both good and bad.
  1. Recognize that your child is a gift from God (Judg. 13:3).
  2. Dedicate your child to the Lord (Judg. 13:5).
  3. Watch your own example very carefully (Judg. 13:4,14).
  4. Pray for your child before he/she is born (Judg. 13:8.12).
  5. Seek counsel from godly people on how to raise your child (Judg. 13:8).
  6. Restrict your child’s activities (Judg. 14:1,5,7).
  7. Don’t tolerate back-talk (Judg. 14:2-3).
  8. Seek the Lord’s direction continuously so you don’t steer blind (Judg. 14:4).
  9. Know where your child is and what he’s doing - always (Judg. 14:6,9).
  10. Expect and require transparency in open conversation about everything (Judg. 14:6,9).
  11. Instill principles and demand principled behavior (Judg. 14:9).
  12. Recover and learn from past mistakes (Judg. 14:10).

New Testament: Acts 13

It’s a common Jewish claim even to this day: “A man named Saul, later called Paul, came and spoiled it all!” When, by the Spirit’s direction, he brought Gentiles into the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch, they turned against him (Acts 13:44-45).

The previous Shabbat he had been invited by the synagogue rulers to speak to them (Acts 13:15). And what a message it was. Reviewing the five main points of Old Testament biblical theology, he demonstrated their New Covenant application in the person of Jesus the Messiah. What are those five points?
  1. People (vs. 17) - God chose the descendants of Abraham and gave them the message first.
  2. Possession (vs. 19) - He gave them the Land of Israel as their inheritance.
  3. Prince (vs. 23) - Then He gave them a Savior in the person of Jesus, fulfilling His promise to David.
  4. Promise (vs. 23) - All of this was according to His original covenant with Abraham.
  5. Preservation (vs. 38) - Salvation and the forgiveness of sins is through this Savior - Jesus.
Up to there it might even have been acceptable (see Acts 13:42-44) but when Paul (the name change came in Acts 13:9) began to turn to the Gentiles, many drew back. Quoting Isaiah 49:6, Paul reminded them that God’s plan had never been exclusive. True, there was/is only one way of salvation, but that way is open to all mankind. All, including Gentiles, who are “appointed to eternal life” will believe (Acts 13:48).

Paul continued to go first to the synagogue wherever he went. He tells us that the Gospel is “to the Jew first” (Acts 13:17,26; see Rom. 1:16). That’s not just an historical observation, it’s a methodological instruction. His own example serves as our guide. Hereafter, when he went to a new town, in almost every instance he sought out the synagogue first. The next place he checked out was probably the jail because he knew he’d soon be spending some time there too.

This was a turning point in the direction of the Gospel and Paul’s preaching. If the Jews would no longer respond, he would go elsewhere. Sounds a lot like America today. It would appear that God is now turning to Asia, Africa, and even the Muslim nations. Is anyone in America listening anymore?

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