Monday, September 16, 2013

THE LORD SPOKE (September 16)

Daily Reflections from Scripture:

Old Testament: Ecclesiastes 10-12

Growing old brings...
  • sadness - “I find no pleasure” (Eccl. 12:1c)
  • dullness - “the sun...grows dark” (Eccl. 12:2a)
  • incontinence - “the clouds return after the rain” (Eccl. 12:2b)
  • tremors - “the keepers of the house tremble” (Eccl. 12:3a)
  • curvature - “the strong men stoop” (Eccl. 12:3a)
  • toothlessness - “the grinders cease because they are few” (Eccl. 12:3b)
  • blindness - “those looking out the windows grow dim” (Eccl. 12:3c)
  • constipation - “the doors to the street are closed” (Eccl. 12:4a)
  • stomach ailments - “the sound of grinding fades” (Eccl. 12:4b)
  • sleeplessness - “rise up at the sound of birds” (Eccl. 12:4c)
  • deafness - “all their songs grow faint” (Eccl. 12:4d)
  • phobias - “afraid of ________” (Eccl. 12:5a)
  • impotence - “almond tree...grasshopper...desire is no longer stirred” (Eccl. 12:5b)
Not a very pleasing prospect - growing old. When the parts start to fail and things break down, age comes creeping in and begins to claim ever more ground. What can you do about it?
  1. Treasure your vigor now. Enjoy what God has given you today. That’s, for sure, one of the main messages of the book of Ecclesiastes.
  2. Don’t let yourself grow old before your time. Stay active. Atrophy is the result of disuse.
  3. Keep your mind sharp even as your body slows down. Read good books that make you think. Talk to interesting people who sharpen your senses. Get yourself a good hobby.
  4. Serve others. No matter how decrepit you are, there’s someone else who’s worse off (after all, you’re not dead yet!).
  5. Look forward to future events. Imagine the joy of sitting down around the table with everybody at Thanksgiving. Dream of having all the kids around for opening presents on Christmas. Dream of that fishing trip in the spring.
  6. Do just what Solomon tells you to do in this chapter - remember now your Creator. You’re probably going to see Him sooner than the rest of us. Are you ready for that?

New Testament: Revelation 22

“Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” Is that the cry of your heart? Or do you find yourself attached to this world in such a way that it’s hard to give it up? Like a bit of metal caught between two magnets, which has the greater pull upon you? Which will win?

This chapter contains the sixth and the seventh beatitudes of Revelation. “Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book” (Rev. 22:7) echos the promise of Revelation 1:3 and reminds us that this book was never meant to sit on the shelf. “Keeping prophecy” involves an important series of steps:
  1. hear it - listen to the words and pay attention to the details
  2. think it - try to get the big picture and understand the components
  3. believe it - hold to it, don’t doubt, accept even what you don’t understand
  4. anticipate it - watch expectantly for the signs of its fulfillment
  5. impart it - tell others, share the anticipation, be the means of drawing another myriad to the Master
The last beatitude is a reminder to be ready. “Blessed are those who wash their robes” (Rev. 22:14). Earlier in the book (Rev. 7:14) we’re told of those who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb. This is the cleansing agent that washes whiter than snow. It grants two privileges: entrance through the celestial gates into the city and access to the tree of life. Cut off by our sin since Adam’s fall, we are finally purged of our sin nature and allowed to reenter Eden.

Three times in this chapter Jesus reminds us that he is coming. In fact, all three times He says, “I am coming soon” (Rev. 22:7,12,20). Are you watching? Are you ready to fly away? Have you washed your robe? Could your next step be through those gates made of pearl?

This world is not my home, I'm just passing through.
My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.
The angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.

O Lord you know I have no friend like you.
If Heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do?
The angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.

Just up in Glory Land we'll live eternally.
The saints on every hand are shouting victory.
Their song of sweetest praise drifts back from Heaven's shore
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.

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