Sunday, February 23, 2014

THE LORD SPOKE (February 23)

Daily Reflections from Scripture:

Old Testament: Numbers 3-4

Just two boys were left to help Aaron with the responsibilities of the priesthood. After the deaths of Nadab and Abihu when they offered “strange fire” before the Lord (Lev. 10:1-3), only Eleazer and Ithamar were ordained to serve as priests.

It was at that point that God instructed Moses to present the tribe of Levi to Aaron “to assist him” (Num. 3:5-9). They were to “perform duties for him and for the whole community”. Numbers 8 gives more details of their consecration as assistants to the priesthood and tells us that they were “set apart from the other Israelites” and were “to be given wholly to [God]” (Num. 8:14,19). The high privilege (and responsibility) of their position is seen in what God says on that occasion:

Of all the Israelites, I have given the Levites as gifts to Aaron and his sons to do the work of the Tent of Meeting on behalf of the Israelites and to make atonement for them....” (Num. 8:19)
These “ordinary” people were given a very un-ordinary job - to display the grace of God in the forgiveness of sin. Their job would illustrate the mighty acts of God in providing salvation. What they did would be a picture of what the Lord Jesus would one day accomplish on the Cross when He purchased our pardon.

New Testament: Luke 10

It probably wasn’t the first time the two sisters had squabbled. Martha had, no doubt, let Mary know a time or two before what she thought about her laziness. After all, there was lots to be done. Couldn’t she lift a finger too?

We don’t have Jesus’ words to Mary recorded. This story is about Martha and her relationship to the Lord. It’s probably safe to say that He had some appropriate words to share with Mary that day too but we’re told here of Martha's attitude and His words to her.

There is much to be commended about Martha. After all, she’s the one who opened her home (Lk. 10:38) to a bunch of hungry men who were passing through. She’s the one who created an occasion so others could sit at Jesus feet and hear Him (Lk. 10:39). She’s the one who made all the necessary preparations so the opportunity could be just perfect.

But at some point her zeal lost its feel. Her motivations got messed up. She got nervous in the service and was close to missing out entirely on the value of this great occasion. Her distraction (vs. 40) caused her to worry (vs. 41). She became “upset about many things” when there was really only one thing she needed. In fact, it’s that One thing that helps us to manage the many things in our lives!

We mutter and sputter,
We fume and we spurt;
We mumble and grumble,
Our feelings get hurt.

We can’t understand things,
Our vision grows dim;
When all that we need
Is a moment with Him!

In all your busyness about Kingdom business, don’t miss the Main Point. Keep your eyes fixed on the Savior, your ears open to His voice in Scripture, and your heart soft to His leading in the circumstances of life. He will be your joy and portion for ever.

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